Non-Fixed VoIP: Understand What It’s & How to Identify It
By Matt Mesar
| 31. May 2024 |
By M. MesarMatt Mesar
| 31 May 2024 |
    By M. MesarMatt Mesar
    | 31 May 2024

    Non-Fixed VoIP: What It Is & Why You Should Care

    One in three employees work remotely. And as the remote trend continues to grow, so does VoIP adoption. Nowadays, 31% of companies use VoIP. But which one should you choose?

    In this article, we’ll help you kick-start your VoIP buying journey by breaking down the two main types – fixed and non-fixed VoIP. We’ll also share a few best practices and end with a recommendation for the most suitable software for you. 

    Key Takeaways:

    • The main difference between fixed and non-fixed VoIP is that the former is tied to a single person and location, while the latter is not.
    • Non-fixed VoIP numbers can be used to make and receive calls all around the world, making them a great choice for remote teams.
    • Overall, non-fixed VoIP is more affordable, flexible, and scalable and offers numerous AI-powered features and 3rd party integrations.

    What Is Non-Fixed VoIP?

    Non-fixed VoIP refers to a type of call center system that isn’t tied to a single physical location. That means that non-fixed VoIP users can make and receive calls in numerous foreign countries without having to be there in person or owning a local business.

    Because of this, most (if not all) international companies use non-fixed VoIP software for their call center operations. This allows them to expand their global sales operations and offer high-quality customer service without having to build an office in every country.

    A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right VOIP Package for Your Business

    What Is a Non-Fixed VoIP Number?

    Generally speaking, a non-fixed VoIP phone number can be any kind of virtual number. In practice, that means they can be used by several employees across multiple locations, as opposed to fixed VoIP numbers which are tied to a single person and place.

    Non-fixed local, toll-free, and international numbers are affordable from VoIP providers such as CloudTalk. Often, you’ll even receive one completely free with your subscription. 

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    Fixed Vs. Non-Fixed VoIP: What’s the Difference?

    Although both types of VoIP generally do the same thing – make calls over the Internet, there are a number of differences between them that make each a better choice for a particular type of business or user. You’ll find the general overview below.

    Fixed VoIP

    Non-Fixed VoIP




    Phone Numbers

    One per user.

    Multiple per user.

    Call Quality

    High via stable connection.

    Dependent on connection.


    Low due to infrastructure.

    High due to software-only design.


    High via local infrastructure.

    Dependent on provider.


    High, subject to local law.

    Low, not subject to local law.


    Low, tied to location.

    High, not tied to location.


    Requires physical infrastructure.

    Completely software-based.


    High due to infrastructure requirements.

    Low due to software-only design.

    Emergency Services

    Highly accurate due to physical location.

    Not very accurate due to virtual numbers.

    What Are the Pros & Cons of Non-Fixed VoIP Numbers?

    As with everything, there are benefits and downsides to using non-fixed VoIP numbers, and they’re not the best choice for every company. Below, you’ll find an overview of non-fixed VoIP’s biggest advantages and drawbacks.




    Accessible anywhere.

    Possible local restrictions.


    Low costs and flexible pricing.

    May contain hidden fees and varying quality.


    Ideal for remote work.

    Inefficient for local offices.


    Easy to set up with minimal requirements.

    Needs a stable connection for high quality.


    Accessible from multiple locations and devices.



    Easy to stay anonymous if required.

    Often associated with fraudulent activity.


    Easily scalable.



    Less stringent international laws.

    May not be compliant with local laws.

    Call Quality

    High, with a stable connection.

    Low due to software-only design.


    Offers a variety of security measures.

    Depends on provider’s offering.

    Emergency Services


    Potential risk due to inaccurate GPS data.

    Who Should Use Non-Fixed VoIP?

    Non-fixed VoIP is a great solution for companies of all sizes, from SMBs to enterprises. However, thanks to its software-only design, the technology has the most to offer remote and decentralized teams working from multiple locations around the world.

    Furthermore, non-fixed VoIP is best suited for growth-oriented companies, as it allows you to seamlessly add new agents, virtual phone numbers, features, and integrations with only a few clicks. 

    Non-fixed VoIP works equally well for both sales and support and is used by companies in various industries. However, E-commerce, Retail, IT, and SaaS companies are some of the most common customers.

    7 Best Practices for Using Non-fixed VoIP

    Setting up your non-fixed VoIP, requires a little extra work. Below, we’ll cover the main things you should keep an eye on to ensure you have the best possible experience. The 7 best practices include:

    #1 Get a Stable Internet Connection

    The quality of your non-fixed VoIP wholly relies on your Internet connection. Test your speed and bandwidth, and if it seems insufficient, consider upgrading your service. You may also want to get a power backup for potential blackouts.

    #2 Choose a Quality VoIP Provider

    Providers influence numerous aspects of your VoIP, including number, feature, and integration selection, pricing, security options, and more. Research and choose a reputable provider to get the best experience.

    #3 Save Time with Features

    Call center software offers numerous features, such as click-to-call, sales dialers, and more, that can help you automate, streamline, and improve your processes. Choose a pricing plan that meets your needs and put them to use.

    #4 Train Your Employees

    A tool is only as good as the person using it. When implementing non-fixed VoIP call center software, make sure to properly onboard and train your employees so they know how to make and record calls and evaluate their performance.

    #5 Test Your System Before Going Live

    Testing is often overlooked during the set-up process, but it’s in your best interest to have everything working at full capacity when you hit “call.” Use your provider’s free trial to ensure the solution works well for you.

    #6 Keep the Software Up to Date

    As with any software solution, non-fixed VoIP systems also often receive updates and bug fixes. Make sure all your employees update the software on all their devices to ensure a stable and expedient experience.

    #7 Monitor Performance

    Most good VoIP solutions come with an Analytics feature that allows you to monitor efficiency at an agent, team, department, or organization level. Use it to fix issues, remove bottlenecks, and improve overall performance.


    Making an unlimited number of affordable calls to and from anywhere in the world is key to unlocking your business’s growth potential and staying competitively viable, especially when combined with AI-powered features and third-party integrations.

    Don’t let landlines and borders limit your business. Make the switch.

    Get a first-hand experience with non-fixed VoIP. Let us show you how CloudTalk works.


    What is a non-fixed VoIP phone number used for?

    A non-fixed VoIP phone number is used for various purposes, including:

    Remote work:
    Allows employees to work from any location with internet access.

    Small businesses:
    Cost-effective solution without a physical office.

    Personal use:
    Ideal for frequent travel or no permanent address.

    International communication:
    Affordable international calls.

    Temporary projects:
    Useful for events or seasonal businesses.

    How much does non-fixed VoIP cost?

    The cost of non-fixed VoIP can vary depending on the provider and the plan chosen. Generally, it is more affordable than traditional phone services.

    Costs can range from:

    – Free plans: Basic services with limited features and call minutes.
    – Paid plans: Monthly fees typically range from $10 to $30
    – Pay-as-you-go: Charges based on usage, ideal for low-volume users.

    Can a non-fixed VoIP be traced?

    Tracing a non-fixed VoIP number is more challenging than tracing a fixed VoIP or traditional phone number. However, it is possible through:

    Service provider records:
    VoIP providers maintain logs that can be accessed for legitimate purposes.

    IP address tracking:
    Calls made via non-fixed VoIP can be traced back to the originating IP address, though this may require legal action and cooperation from ISPs.

    Due to privacy and anonymity features, non-fixed VoIP numbers are sometimes used for fraudulent activities, but legitimate use can still be traced with appropriate measures.

    Can you text a non-fixed VoIP?

    Yes, you can text a non-fixed VoIP number. Most non-fixed VoIP services support SMS and MMS. Users can send and receive texts via:

    VoIP apps: Many providers offer apps that support messaging.
    Softphones: Software-based phones that run on computers or mobile devices.
    Web interfaces: Some services allow messaging through online portals.

    The functionality and reliability of text messaging can vary depending on the VoIP provider and the quality of the internet connection.