WebRTC vs. VoIP: How Do They Differ?

Make an informed choice between WebRT and VoIP communication technology and save on costs. Find out how they compare and which one is the right fit for your business.



Main differences between





WebRTC works with Microsoft Edge 21, Microsoft Chrome 23, Mozilla Firefox 22 and Opera 18.

Works over DSL/cable modem, Wi-Fi/3G, LTE, and Rich Communication Suite (RCS).

Core mechanism

Uses JavaScript, APIs and Hypertext Markup Language to embed communications technologies within web browsers.

VoIP converts your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet.

Supported platforms

WebRTC only works with internet browsers.

VoIP ties to any software/tool that uses wireless voice transmitting (online calling), as well as to WebRTC enabled browsers.


WebRTC is an on-demand service, most often billed by the user and per month, with no infrastructure costs.

VoIP technology costs usually involve a subscription for a cloud telephony software and for calling hardware (laptop, mobile phone or tablet + headset).

Worst fit

Startups in need of an open-source, integrated solution and collaboration platforms that require a tool for efficient real-time cooperation.

Scaling Startups, SMBs, Enterprises, fully remote businesses, companies with fluctuating call volumes and those in need for advanced features.

Best fit

Companies requiring a high level of security, large-scale call centers, privacy-sensitive services, and businesses with limited budgets for development and maintenance.

Companies requiring a high level of security, large-scale call centers, privacy-sensitive services, and businesses with limited budgets for development and maintenance.

What is VoIP & How Does It Work?

VoIP is an acronym for a Voice over Internet Protocol, technology that converts your voice into digital data packets. Those are then transmitted over the internet, with no need for traditional phone lines. Once the data packets arrive at a recipient’s end, they transform back into voice signals. 

VoIP software is cost-effective, scalable, and offers a wide range of features. If you are seeking an efficient and affordable communication solution, it’s a great choice.

What is WebRTC & How Does It Work?

WebRTC, or Web Real-Time Communication, is a technology that enables real-time audio and video communication directly within web browsers and mobile applications. It uses a set of APIs and protocols to enable peer-to-peer communication. There is no need for third-party plugins or external software.

WebRTC uses secure communication channels and supports various platforms, allowing you to engage in video conferencing, voice calls, and data sharing seamlessly.


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Let’s talk about
pros and cons


Embrace Direct Communication

Facilitate real-time communication directly through web browsers. Eliminates the need to download additional plugins or software and streamline your communication process.

Create Inclusive Environment

Enable voice and video communication from any device with a compatible web browser. Ensure that users can connect seamlessly regardless of their location or the device.

Save On Hardware And Maintenance

Eliminate traditional phone lines and expensive communication infrastructure. Significantly reduce your calling costs while maintaining high-quality audio and video communication.

Keep Customers’ Data Safe

Incorporate robust security measures, including end-to-end encryption, to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of business communications.

You May Face Compatibility Challenges

While WebRTC is supported by major web browsers, you may experience compatibility issues with certain older browsers or devices.

It Rely on Internet Connection

WebRTC needs a stable internet connection for optimal performance. If your internet access is unreliable, the quality of voice and video calls may be compromised.

You Get a limited Feature Set

While WebRTC provides essential features for voice and video communication, it may lack some advanced functions found in dedicated unified communications platforms.


Save Money on International Calling 

Avoid expensive long-distance calling charges with features like International numbers and save both yours and customers’ money.

Embrace Freedom With a Remote-friendly Solution

Break down geographical barriers. VoIP lets you receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection. This possibility is invaluable for remote teams.

Adjust Your Calling Software As You Grow

VoIP adapts to your needs, no matter the size of your business. The highly scalable and adjustable software helps you grow seamlessly.

Optimize Workflows With Diverse Features

Get a diverse range of features at any stage of growth. Optimize workflows, collaborate, and maintain meaningful interactions. 

You Need a Reliable Internet Connection

Just like cloud-based software, VoIP relies on a stable internet connection. You may experience delays, packet loss, and reduced call quality.

Call Quality May Be Lacking

Depending on the provider, you can experience echo or latency issues, which negatively impact the quality of communication and user experience.

You Can Face Security Threats

Depending on the provider, VoIP can be vulnerable to threats like hacking, eavesdropping, and other malicious activities.


Is WebRTC the Same as VoIP?

At their core, both WebRTC and VoIP help people communicate in real-time. But they work differently. Think of VoIP as a broad way of making voice calls using the internet, much like making a phone call but through the web. On the other hand, WebRTC is a bit more specialized. It’s like having a conversation directly in your web browser—like a video chat on a website—without needing to install anything extra.

Brief History or Evolution of VoIP

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, traces its roots back to the early 1970s when experimental transmissions were made using ARPANET. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s, with the rise of the internet, that VoIP started gaining traction. Companies like Skype, which was founded in 2003, played a pivotal role in popularizing VoIP for the masses, demonstrating its potential for cost-saving and global communication. Since then, VoIP has seen vast improvements in terms of quality, features, and accessibility, making it a mainstay for businesses worldwide.

Brief History or Evolution of WebRTC

WebRTC is a relatively newer player in the realm of real-time communication. It was first developed by Google in 2011 and later supported by other major browsers. The primary motivation behind WebRTC was to simplify real-time communication, eliminating the need for external plugins or software. Its significance lies in its ability to support video, audio, and data sharing directly within browsers, paving the way for richer online interactions. Over the past decade, WebRTC has been adopted across various sectors, from online gaming to telehealth, thanks to its seamless and secure communication capabilities.

What is WebRTC in VoIP?

WebRTC in VoIP is like adding a turbocharger to your car. VoIP is already good for online calls, but when you combine it with WebRTC, you can have those calls right in your browser. This means businesses can chat with customers or teams without anyone needing to install special apps.

What is the Difference Between WebRTC and SIP?

WebRTC and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) are both communication protocols, but they serve different functions in the realm of real-time communication. WebRTC focuses on enabling real-time communication directly in web browsers, facilitating browser-to-browser interactions (video calls) seamlessly. SIP, on the other hand, is a signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, modifying, and terminating real-time sessions, which can be VoIP calls or other multimedia communications. For example, while WebRTC lets you dive right into the chat, SIP ensures the chat goes smoothly from start to finish.

What is the Difference Between WebSocket and VoIP?

WebSocket and VoIP serve different purposes but can complement each other in enhancing a real-time communication experience. WebSocket helps with real-time web activities, making sure information flows quickly and smoothly. VoIP is more about making voice calls over the internet. While WebSocket ensures rapid information sharing in those calls, VoIP is all about the voice conversation itself.

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