10 Estrategias Probadas de Atención al Cliente
By Natalia Mraz
| 18. abril 2022 |
Servicio y soporte, Servicio al Cliente
By N. MrazNatalia Mraz
| 18 Abr 2022 |
Servicio y soporte, Servicio al Cliente
    By N. MrazNatalia Mraz
    | 18 Abr 2022
    Servicio y soporte, Servicio al Cliente

    10 Proven Customer Service Strategies

    Estrategias de atención al cliente

    Today, customers don’t only purchase products and services. More and more often, they buy ideas or experiences. And they demand nothing less than perfection. Though it may take a lot of effort, it is very important to retain clients. Not only because it’s cheaper than gaining new ones. Mainly because repeat purchases have a great effect on businesses bottom line.

    Según la investigación de HubSpot, sólo un aumento del 5% en la retención de clientes puede aumentar potencialmente los ingresos entre un 25 y un 95%.

    So, satisfied and loyal consumers make more purchases. They spend more money, leave reviews, and refer to their friends and family. In order to keep them happy, you need an exceptional customer experience. Therefore, exceptional customer service

    Hemos recopilado estrategias de atención al cliente que harán de tus clientes tus más firmes defensores.

    Learn how to provide excellent customer service

    Impact of Well-Developed Strategies on Numbers

    Antes de pasar a las estrategias reales de atención al cliente, echemos un vistazo rápido a lo que hace que sea tan importante.

    Here are a few eye-catching statistics: 

    By Microsoft Dynamics research, overall, 90 % of customers find customer service important when choosing a product. And 91 % of them will not willingly choose your product again after a bad encounter.  

    Por suerte, también tenemos buenas noticias.

    Even if you started on the rough side, 78 % of consumers are likely to forgive you if you provide exceptional customer service. Salesforce claims this in their State of the Connected Customer e-book with Insights from 15,000+ consumers and business buyers worldwide.

    Social Media Today says that if you perfect your customer service strategies, 77 % of happy clients may recommend your company to their friends. 

    Además, el 86% de los compradores gastarán más dinero después de tener una experiencia agradable con tus agentes.

    infografía 10 estrategias probadas de atención al cliente

    10 Estrategias Ganadoras de Atención al Cliente

    We should start with a brief definition of customer service strategy. It is basically a well-thought-out plan for handling interactions with consumers. It lets you provide a consistent customer experience throughout all your channels. 

    Yet, it may not always be easy to implement. First, you need to take a step back. Think about what an exceptional customer support strategy means for your business. 

    Ahí es donde nuestros 10 consejos pueden ayudar.

    #1 Empieza Construyendo el Equipo de tus Sueños

    Skills can be trained, and knowledge can be gained. But attitude is something that comes with a person. Your team is what the quality of customer service stands on. So, it has to be perfect. A dream group of talented people with the right approach

    Some candidates may look like a great fit on paper, but they will not be a good match if they don’t identify with your company’s culture and values. Employees will only like their job if it has a deeper meaning for them. And customers may only be satisfied if agents like their job. 

    We recommend testing how candidates fit your culture right during an interview process. Create a benchmark of who your dream team should consist of. It will save you a lot of time later on since, this way, you reduce employee turnover.

    Involve your HR department and create a set of relevant questions. You can also identify preferred personality traits and skills of employees in various support roles. Divide the traits into categories, such as “must-have” and “good-to-have”. Involve both hard and soft skills since they are equally important. 

    Here are a few traits you may be looking for when building your team:

    • Inner motivation: Does the candidate have a genuine interest in the position beyond the salary? She/he should be more driven by an inner call to support others and less by monetary aspects. Although, those are important, too.  
    • Positive attitude: To maintain cheerful customers, agents should be cheerful people. They need to have a mindset that tells them everything is solvable. 
    • Self-awareness: Does the candidate have a sense of constructive self-criticism? This way, she/he will always be able to tame emotions. 
    • Empathy and social intelligence: Perhaps the most crucial requirement for a customer service agent. No one can effectively help others without understanding how they feel. 
    • Adaptability: It is important for candidates to show interest in gaining new skills. They also need to be able to work independently and learn fast. 

    Además, puedes seleccionar los rasgos en función de los roles:

    Rasgos de los agentes que están en contacto directo con los clientes:

    • Great listeners
    • Skilled negotiators
    • Critical thinkers
    • Problem solvers

    Customer support managers’ traits: 

    • Proficient in monitoring 
    • Good at project management
    • Conflict resolution masters
    • Love supervising others
    • Able to provide sensitive yet constructive feedback
    • Ready to inspire

    Eso en cuanto a los candidatos. En el equipo existente, supervisa si tus agentes cumplen con el enfoque de «tener siempre un cliente en mente». Sabes que tienes a las personas adecuadas cuando se comprometen con los más altos estándares de servicio al cliente.

    Monitor their performance by listening to their calls. Follow their workflow. Do they present the importance of customer care for another team? Do they share knowledge and best practices? Then you won. 

    #2 Optimiza la Formación de los Agentes

    Let’s assume you already built your dream team. The next customer support strategy is taught-through training. 

    No matter how skilled agents are, they still need to learn. Provide them with the best coaching software that brings out their full potential. Involve all your team, old members as well as new ones, in regular training sessions. Present them with a complex overview of their position, from improving in daily duties to how each of them fits into the bigger picture. 

    Lecciones que puedes incorporar:

    Habilidadesblandas y paciencia: Los estudios demuestran que el 68% de los clientes esperan que las empresas interactúen con un alto nivel de empatía. Eso tiene sentido. ¿A quién le gustaría hablar con un agente maleducado?

    Prepare your customer service team to treat every situation with patience since each will vary rapidly. Almost every customer is different. Some will be angry, some confused, and some may have a lot of questions. Others are completely lost in a topic. No matter what, your agents need to be understanding and professional. 

    Communication skills: Agents who are shy and easy to turn down won’t sell or help too much. You need to have a confident team of excellent communicators who are sincere and sympathetic but also persuasive. What’s more, none of them should comply to let customers leave the conversation dissatisfied.   

    Active listening: By a Harvard Business Review survey, an average person recalls around 25 % of what someone has said. That is not enough to solve a problem. Your agents need to be listening masters since customers hate repeating themselves. 

    In order to solve an issue successfully, your team has to understand it, no matter how complicated it may be precise. Some advanced customer service software features may be of help here, such as real-time call notes

    To train to listen, try to add a short role play to your training. Create pairs and let agents take turns in talking for about 1 – 2 minutes. The other person then has to reflect on what was communicated and include an empathetic answer to show the level of understanding. 

    Knowledge: No less important than communication. Knowing their stuff is crucial for each agent. Discuss in detail how your product works and what the pricing is.

    One more important customer support strategy – teach your team what to do when they get lost. If there is no other option, it is always better to double-check than provide incorrect information. Even though the customers have to wait. Just don’t let them wait too long. 

    #3 Apoya la Satisfacción de los Empleados

    Puedes elegir a las personas adecuadas y formarlas bien, pero todo esto es en vano si los agentes no están contentos. Ahora, es el momento de apreciar su duro trabajo.

    Staff retention is high in the customer service industry. That is why each good employee is worth gold, such as each good client. Empowering the spirit of your agents results in more productivityshorter resolution time, and many more advantages. Therefore, show your team respect. Don’t micromanage them, let them make their own decisions. 

    Recognize the high performers and reward them. You can offer incentive programs. These don’t have to be only monetary. Gifts like a year-long Netflix subscription or a voucher for a good dinner can motivate the same. Sometimes, even a simple group email with a positive review on a particular agent can serve as great support.

    Another strategy you can choose is supporting healthy competitiveness. Give out monthly awards for anyone who delivers exceptional performance. Agents can also nominate each other to build compassion. The good feeling of recognition from co-workers boosts team spirit, too. 

    Lo siguiente en lo que tienes que centrarte es en lo que ocurre conlos agentes que no lo hacen bien. Tal vez necesiten una formación adicional. Tal vez necesiten más motivación y ánimo. Y tal vez muestren signos de agotamiento porque están trabajando demasiado. Sólo asegúrate de no prestar toda tu atención a los mejores jugadores y olvidar a los que necesitan ayuda para llegar a ellos.

    #4 Utiliza las Herramientas Adecuadas

    Another customer support strategy tip is to always utilize the best tools possible. A piece of great advice – never save money on technology. Reliable call center software plays a crucial role in the customer service you offer. Digitalization and automation provide effectiveness and a more pleasant experience. A VoIP telephony system is an ideal solution

    Quality call center software offers plenty of features that make everyday tasks easier and customers happier. The call center dashboard allows you to monitor all call center activities in real-time. Automatic callback ensures you never miss a callSkill-based routing offers the best support possible from an agent with the most suitable knowledge base. And there are plenty more

    A key to call center automation is also an integration of your software with the CRM system and other relevant ticketing systems. This way, all data is centralized in one place, with no need to manually maintain them in both databases. All information is instantly available for each of your agents.

    #5 Mide los Datos Correctos

    ¿Cómo sabes si lo que estás midiendo es realmente importante? Necesitas obtener datos que te proporcionen información procesable. Si no lo hacen, no vale la pena medirlos. Decidir lo que importa y lo que no es un proceso complejo.

    Empieza por hacerte preguntas sencillas:

    • Will this information get looked at? 
    • Will it lead to precise actions? 
    • Is it, therefore, relevant? 

    Según la respuesta, estarás unpaso más cerca a lo que hay que medir. Elige lo que es relevante para tu negocio y establece los KPI – Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento.

    A través de ellos, medirás tu éxito. Al seguirlos, obtienes una visión general instantánea de lo bien que va tu servicio de atención al cliente.

    Aquí hay 3 KPI importantes que no deberías pasar por alto:

    • First call resolution – 26 % of customers are transferred from agent to agent without resolving their issue. 
    • Average time in a queue – 75 % of customers say it takes too long to reach an agent. 
    • Average abandonment rate – 67 % of customers hang up due to frustration because they couldn’t talk to a real person. 
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    Also, make sure you are looking at each side of your KPIs. For example, your average resolution time might be improving. Agents reduced the duration it takes to resolve the issues. But, the overall customer satisfaction lowered because, to cut time, your team started to handle cases with lesser precision. 

    After evaluating business needs, establishing base KPIs, and measuring your results, ensure you are on the right track.

    Ask yourself the following questions: 

    • Do your results benchmark with other companies in your industry?
    • Are your internal teams cooperating strongly enough to maximize your call center potential?
    • Do you have all key processes under control? 

    #6 Personaliza la Experiencia

    Maintaining trustworthy customer service means boosting and building relationships. That comes with improving customer experience. People are generally more open when they feel that their conversational partner knows them. Therefore, personalization is a big part of a successful customer support strategy. 

    Para mostrar un ejemplo, debes conocer las interacciones anteriores con los clientes. Gracias a la función de historia del cliente, los agentes tienen una visión instantánea y actualizada de todas las interacciones de los clientes.

    Además, esfuérzate en tratar a tus clientes como personas reales. Da poder a tu equipo para que los llame por su nombre. De vez en cuando envía ofertas especializadas o felicitaciones de cumpleaños. También puedes utilizar una herramienta de agente preferido en la que los clientes pueden interactuar con la misma persona que antes.

    #7 Toma Decisiones basadas en Datos

    Feedback is a basis of improvement for each business, therefore another very important customer support strategy. 

    Utiliza las estadísticas avanzadas de llamadas para observar tu progreso en el tiempo. Las empresas que utilizan informes de analíticas ven una mejora del 58 % en el rendimiento de los empleados. También es más probable que mapeen los viajes de los compradores e identifiquen con éxito qué canales contribuyen mejor a los resultados.

    Además de las estadísticas, es importante seguir regularmente las opiniones sobre tu servicio de atención al cliente. Un informe de Microsoft muestra que el 89 % de los clientes quieren dar su feedback después de interactuar con los agentes.

    Crea tu propio sistema de feedback fiable, para poder mejorar constantemente.

    Hay dos fuentes que tu estrategia de feedback debe controlar:

    • Inputs from customers towards your agents: you can gain it through social media, reviews, surveys or tools like emotion analytics
    • Inputs from agents: Hear out their experience with customer interactions and other observations. Organize 1on1 or group meetings.
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    By listening to both sides, you learn a lot about what works well and what needs to be modified. Maybe your customers get sufficient support but feel like they miss a written recap. Such as follow-up emails.

    On the flip side, your support team can give you insight into what are the most common issues. Maybe even where they have knowledge gaps. This way, you will know exactly what to incorporate into future training. 

    #8 Acepta las Quejas

    Enjoying seeing complaints may look like a weird customer support strategy. Yet it’s a needed one. Welcoming negativity doesn’t mean seeking it. It means acknowledging it. Around 45 % of people say that they are swayed to visit businesses that respond well to negative reviews

    If you do it right, public response to a bad evaluation or complaint makes wonders for your reputation. First, in times of opinions going viral on the internet, you can avoid a potential PR disaster. Secondly, you have a chance to publicly address the concerns of your customers and gain free market research data.

    Además, haz que tu marca sea transparente y justa ofreciéndote a realizar cambios tangibles. Reconoce tus propios fracasos ofreciendo una compensación para reducir la rotación. No dudes en demostrar que tú también puedes caer a veces. En lugar de esconderte e ignorar las críticas, ten el valor de enfrentarte a ellas. Pero asegúrate siempre de que realmente cumples lo que has prometido.

    Here are four easy steps on how to use complaints to your advantage:

    • Make sure you didn’t miss any negative feedback
    • Resolve all of them fast and effectively
    • Make steps to stop these issues from repeating
    • Pass the knowledge on to your employees

    Cuando empieces a analizar tus quejas, puede parecer que aumentan, pero eso no es cierto. Siempre estuvieron ahí. Simplemente no las veías..

    #9 Reconocer la Importancia de la Fidelidad de los Clientes

    Retaining customers is cheaper than gaining new ones. That is a well-known fact for everyone who ever had anything to do with marketing or business. But this basic piece of information shines a light on another aspect. Importance of customer loyalty that exceptional customer service should be striving to build.  

    Los clientes fieles son defensores de tu empresa. Te promocionan, obtienen mayores beneficios y muestran interés en ayudarte a mejorar los productos. También son mucho más indulgentes con tus errores.

    Sin embargo, no hay que confundir la fidelidad del cliente con la relación con el mismo. Son dos cosas diferentes. Los clientes que te son fieles no quieren necesariamente tener una relación con tu marca. Aun así, seguirán comprándote regularmente si tu servicio cumple sus expectativas.

    #10 Utiliza Varios Canales

    Waiting until people find you is the worst customer support strategy. Most of them will not bother if it’s overly difficult to get in touch with your service. Focus on providing support on channels that customers use and where they can easily reach you. It is worth it. An online portal, Forrester, shows that 69 % of adults in the US prefer to buy from brands with consistent customer service across multiple platforms. 

    Even though you should allow customers to switch between multiple channels, the more, the better doesn’t necessarily apply here. Don’t overwhelm your support, and don’t waste resources on irrelevant platforms. For example, if most of your customers are on Twitter, focus on building strong support there.

    Here are the main channels we recommend utilizing:

    • E-mail: Although it may not be the most popular channel for communication nowadays, it’s still a handy platform where to keep in touch.
    • Live chat: Provide fast service by chatting with your customers directly from your website. Live chat increases in popularity. Also, it is constantly in customers’ sight. That makes it easy to access and effective.  
    • Self-Service: Many people like to fix their own problems instead of contacting an agent. Give them an opportunity to do so. Incorporate a knowledge base on your website. You can also use tools like advanced IVR, with an option to hear pre-recorded information on easy inquiries. 
    • Social Media: Around 40 % of people want to communicate with brands on social media. Further, 29 % of social media users utilize them for researching or buying products. That is what makes it such a valuable asset for your customer support and brand awareness strategy.
    • Phone service: Calling is still a highly requested form of customer service. Many people prefer speaking to a person before chatting, emailing, or searching in databases. 

    Looking for reliable cloud-based calling software? We are here for you. CloudTalk offers 50 + advanced features that will push your customer support strategy toward perfection.