Come ottenere un numero VoIP – Guida completa [2022]
By Natalia Mraz
| 1. Gennaio 2023 |
By N. MrazNatalia Mraz
| 1 Gen 2023 |
    By N. MrazNatalia Mraz
    | 1 Gen 2023

    How to Get a VoIP Number – Complete Guide 2024

    A VoIP phone number is no longer a luxury for established corporations. In recent years it has become an affordable tool and one that is essential for everyone who wants to succeed in a competitive market.

    In fact, it is especially appealing to small and mid-size businesses (SMBs). By 2025, SMBs are likely to grow by more than 15% in the VoIP market.

    A report from Blueface shows that 61% of companies switched to VoIP-based systems after their contract with landline carriers expired

    If you are thinking about getting a VoIP number, searching for a functional solution, or simply wishing to change your current provider, keep reading. 

    Questa guidarisponde a tutte le domande sui numeri di telefono virtuali che potete avere.

    Key Takeaways

    • A report from Blueface shows that 61% of companies switched to VoIP-based systems after their contract with landline carriers expired.
    • VoIP numbers offer helpful features like IVR, which guides callers through menu options to reach the right department, and Skill-based Routing, which automatically directs calls to the most suitable agent based on their expertise. These features streamline communication, ensuring callers are efficiently assisted and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
    • Free business phone numbers provide a cost-free option for a separate virtual line, but come with limited features like Voicemail and Call Forwarding. Ideal for small businesses or startups, they serve as a temporary solution until growth demands upgrading to paid plans for more advanced features and scalability.
    • VoIP Number Porting allows businesses to keep their essential phone numbers when changing providers, avoiding the inconvenience of updating materials and informing clients. This process is crucial in high costs or inadequate service quality with the current provider.

    Get your VoIP number now

    What’s a VoIP Number: Essential or Optional?

    First, let’s give a brief definition of what a VoIP number is. You may also know it as a Voice over IP number. It is a real telephone number assigned to a specific user, yet not to a specific phone line.

    Of course, there are other options for how you can handle phone calls. Old-fashioned hardware phones, while familiar to most, have more disadvantages than advantages. They’re usually more expensive than VoIP numbers, require more maintenance, and restrict your mobility. 

    You can also use free VoIP numbers, but as we will explore later, those are not sustainable for businesses with more than 5 to 10 employees. 

    So VoIP numbers seem like a pretty good idea, right? We can’t decide for you, but generally, IP phone numbers have much more benefits than drawbacks.

    Ecco una panoramica dei vantaggi dei numeri VoIP in base alle dimensioni del business:

    • Small Businesses: If you own a “young” start-up, it’s possible you don’t have an office yet. Being able to take and make calls from anywhere at a minimal cost is, therefore a huge advantage.
    • Enterprises: For big companies that need many phones and phone numbers, VoIP is a huge help. You can configure and assign virtual phone numbers to any device from a central control panel. 
    • Call Centers: This type of business has a huge database of phone numbers. With VoIP, they can be easily assigned to various devices or even different users – including agents. 

    You can also check our brief video guide on VoIP basics:

    YouTube video

    Dove puoi ottenere un numero VoIP

    Per acquistare un numero virtuale, puoi utilizzare una dashboard online. Ci sono molti fornitori di servizi VoIP disponibili, quindi è importante restringere il campo. Stabilisci esattamente cosa stai cercando e cerca di scegliere un fornitore che soddisfi le esigenze della tua azienda.

    Se non si vuole usare l’approccio “per tentativi ed errori”, si consiglia di esplorare tutte le opzioni sul mercatoe fare una valutazione delleopzioni che il mercato offre in base alle proprie esigenze.

    Attributi principali da mettere nella vostra lista di controllo:

    • Customer reviews 
    • Level of customer support
    • Available plans
    • Range of features
    • Pricing 

    Solo una panoramica dettagliata delle opzioni ti permetterà di ottenere lo strumento che soddisfa la maggior parte delle tue esigenze.

    Scegli una soluzione affidabile

    In base alle esigenze del tuo business, puoi fare una piccola lista di opzioni che sembrano essere le più adatte a te.

    C’è un sistema, però, che dovrebbe sicuramente fare la differenza: CloudTalk.

    We offer one of the best virtual phone services. We’re also one of the best-rated SaaS providers. Together with your new VoIP number, you will get 40+ integrations and almost 70 advanced features

    Our software is currently powering more than 2,500 call centers and phone systems around the world. The trust we’ve earned from our loyal clients serves as proof that CloudTalk is a safe, reliable software for obtaining your VoIP number. 

    Vedi tu stesso nelle recensioni dei nostri clienti:

    Capterra: 4.4 / 5

    G2: 4.3 / 5

    Naturalmente, non vogliamo che scegliate CloudTalk senza provarlo prima.

    5 motivi per ottenere un numero VoIP

    Cominciamo a vedere quali sono le ragioni più forti per l’acquisto di un numero di telefono IP secondo le altre imprese.

    Ecco i 5 fattori principali per la migrazione al VoIP secondo Rapporto Blueface:

    Affidabilità: 69.5%

    Prezzo: 19%

    Caratteristiche: 5%

    Flessibilità: 4%

    Scalabilità: 2,5%

    Ora che sai cosa apprezzano le altre aziende, diamo un’occhiata più da vicino alle 5 ragioni principali per cui ottenere un numero VoIP renderà il tuo lavoro più facile.

    #1 Risparmia denaro

    VoIP numbers work over the internet, which eliminates costly phone bills for long-distance and international calls. According to TechCo, making international calls via virtual phone numbers can save you up to 90% of expenses and up to 40% in the case of local calls

    Here’s another advantage: by purchasing a VoIP number, you subscribe to a precise virtual number plan with a service provider. You, therefore, know exactly how much you will pay each month. That makes your costs predictable and steady unless you want to upgrade. 

    La maggior parte dei fornitori non richiede un contratto all’inizio del periodo. Questo ti permette di interrompere facilmente il servizio senza ulteriori ostacoli.

    #Fornisce mobilità e affidabilità

    I migliori servizi di telefono virtuale offrono un’esperienza di chiamata coerente.

    If you consider how expensive basic international calls can be, voice-over IP phone numbers offer an efficient and affordable way to connect with customers worldwide. That helps you to expand and create a multinational network. Put simply, if you want your business to cross borders, a VoIP number is a great choice for you. 

    Having a VoIP number also means you need little more than a headset to conduct business. You are no longer tied down to a single location. VoIP allows you to communicate with clients from wherever you are, as long as that place has a stable internet connection

    Puoi quindi assumere dipendenti a distanza o permettere di lavorare al 100% da remoto, con un notevole risparmio economico. Canoni di affitto, bollette della luce, sono tutte cose che appartengono al passato.

    #3 È flessibile.

    Quando utilizzi una rete interna, hai un numero limitato di telefoni che puoi aggiungere al sistema esistente. Con le reti VoIP, l’ unica limitazione è la larghezza di banda (la quantità massima di dati trasmessi attraverso la connessione internet in un determinato momento). Le soluzioni VoIP di solito non utilizzano molta larghezza di banda. Ad esempio, una connessione di soli 10 MB può gestire 100 chiamate contemporaneamente.

    You’re also able to use one virtual phone number on multiple devices. Since you can assign a VoIP number to a person instead of a location, you are able to access it from any device — a laptop, tablet or whatever else. Some VoIP providers also offer smartphone applications. In CloudTalk, we have the CloudTalk Go app that serves as a remote-ready pocket-sized call center. 

    Con un numero di telefono virtuale, puoi anche inoltrare le chiamate ad altri numeri a scelta.

    Another flexibility aspect of VoIP numbers comes with SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)trunking. It allows you to store and manage all communication from a single platform, providing you with a practical overview of all customer interactions. 

    #4 Aumenta la produttività

    With VoIP phone systems, businesses can save around 32 minutes on calls per day per team. Portal FinancesOnline claims that 77% of small companies report improved productivity levels due to VoIP features.

    Questi strumenti rendono la comunicazione e la gestione delle chiamate molto più semplice, soprattutto grazie alla maggiore disponibilità degli agenti, a un livello avanzato di automazione e all’eliminazione delle attività ripetitive. Di conseguenza, puoi fornire un servizio clienti migliore e ottenere punteggi CSAT (customer satisfaction) più elevati.

    #5 Migliore qualità della voce

    Assuming you have a stable internet connection and enough bandwidth space, calling through an IP phone number provides better voice quality than analog phones. That is because VoIP uses advanced compression technology – codecs – that digitally convert sound.

    Yet, of course, nothing is spotless. Issues may occur, so make sure your provider has you covered. For example, with us, if a call quality drops below a certain level, CloudTalk automatically changes the call route in real time. That eliminates latency and jitter.

    10 caratteristiche che puoi ottenere con il numero VoIP

    VoIP systems offer more than just an efficient way of calling. Together with your virtual phone number, you get plenty of automatized features that make your everyday work easier. 

    Ecco 10 esempi di strumenti che potresti trovare utili:

    • ACD (Automated Call Distribution): Efficient queue distribution of inbound calls based on all available data makes sure that callers are always directed to the most qualified agent or agent group.
    • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): A menu that guides the caller through different options and makes sure they are always directed to the right department, agent or group of agents. 
    • Ring groups: Makes sure that customer calls ring multiple or all agents at once. 
    • Skill-based routingInbound calls are automatically routed to a specific agent based on their fit and skills required by the caller. 
    • VIP Queues: Always give priority to customers of your choice.  
    • Call recordingAutomatically records all virtual phone calls.
    • Call forwardingAutomatically forward your incoming calls to external mobile or landline phone numbers each time your agents are busy or unavailable during business hours.
    • 3-way calling: You can easily add a third person to the line when circumstances call for it. 
    • VoicemailA storage of all unanswered phone calls. With CloudTalk, you can listen to them directly from the internet browser.
    • Personalized greetingsGreetings that are played to the caller based on specific situations (outside business hours, on hold, etc.)

    How to Get a VoIP Number? Your Go-To Guide

    Just follow these 6 simple steps to get your virtual phone number easily:

    Step 1: Identify Your Service Needs

    Understand your business priorities and select features based on criteria such as price, security, reliability, and quality of service. Make sure to look for reliable customer support to help you when you need it the most.

    Step 2: Choose the Right Provider and Plan

    Select the best provider for your business needs; CloudTalk offers 4 plans — Starter, Essential, Expert, and Custom. The Custom Plan allows you to tailor your experience and adjust for specific preferences and requirements, ensuring you get what you need.

    Step 3: Get your VoIP number

    Once you’ve chosen a provider, a CSM will help you obtain your VoIP number.

    This usually happens right after signing up for your chosen VoIP plan.

    You can choose a local, toll-free, or international number when getting your VoIP number, or even transfer your existing phone number. Once you pick a provider, a Customer Service Manager (CSM) will assist you in getting your VoIP number.

    Step 4: Configure Your VoIP System

    Get started by setting up your voice-over IP phone number and configuring VoIP devices for seamless call-making and receiving. This involves tasks such as creating user extensions and setting up voicemail. Don’t worry, it’s simpler than it sounds, and you can usually handle these tasks conveniently from the dashboard.

    Step 5: Deploy VoIP Software or Hardware

    After configuring your VoIP system, the next step is to deploy the necessary software on your devices or set up VoIP-enabled phones based on your intended usage. Some providers may also offer convenient mobile apps, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your VoIP service with your smartphone.

    Step 6: Validate Your VoIP Number

    Conduct thorough testing of your VoIP number to ensure its functionality. Place a few test calls to assess sound quality and confirm that all the configured features are operating as expected. This step is crucial to guarantee a smooth and reliable communication experience for your business

    Ottieni i componenti aggiuntivi avanzati del numero VoIP con CloudTalk

    Our telephony solution offers plenty of useful additions to your default VoIP number. These tools give your company a competitive advantage over other businesses, save you money and help you acquire new customers. 

    • International numbers: If your company operates in several countries, you can have a phone number for each of them. That is a huge advantage. 
    • First reason: it allows customers from abroad to call you at standard local rates or free of charge. 
    • Second reason: With a local phone number, you appear more trustworthy. People often don’t pick up foreign numbers.  

    Suggerimento utile

    Controlla la nostra lista di prefissi per le chiamate internazionali gratuite.

    • Toll-free numbersThis type of virtual phone number enables your customers to call you for free or split the price of the call between you and the caller. With CloudTalk, you can get a green toll-free number (0800) or a blue number (0850).
    • Short numbersThis tool allows you to have a five-digit phone number – 16 xxx, 17 xxx, or 18 xxx. You can use short phone numbers for customer support, special information services, transport services, and more.

    Numeri di telefono gratuiti per le imprese: Cosa sono?

    Free business phone numbers are another option to get a virtual number. This type of VoIP service gives you an additional number that is separate from your personal one and completely free of charge.

    It surely does have advantages. For example, it eliminates the process of signing up for a paid VoIP plan. Yet the benefit of free service comes with its price. Free virtual phone numbers include a limited number of features. Such as text messaging over WiFi, Voicemail, Call blocking, Call forwarding, or Caller ID.  

    Free business phone numbers are, therefore a good deal for small companies, start-ups, and teams of 10 or fewer people. If you fit the description, a free number may be a good temporary solution until your business grows bigger. 

    Un numero gratuito può anche essere un‘alternativa alle linee aziendali principali.

    Pro e contro dei numeri di telefono aziendali gratuiti

    Ora, passiamo in rassegna i lati positivi e negativi che vengono con i numeri di business gratuiti.


    Ecco una tabella dei vantaggi più forti dei numeri verdi.


    The biggest pro is unarguably the price. Free VoIP business numbers cost you nothing.

    System usability

    Since free business phone number systems usually don’t contain many features, it’s pretty easy to navigate them.

    Asset for small businesses

    If you just started a brand new start-up, a free business phone number is an accessible way to make your service seem more professional and established.


    Free business phone numbers eliminate the need to share your personal number.


    Ora, diamo un’occhiata agli svantaggi più significativi dei numeri di telefono aziendali gratuiti.

    Lack of services

    It may miss vital features, provide poor QoS (Quality of Service) or have unreliable customer support.

    Business size restrictions

    A free business phone number is suitable for very small teams. It’s beneficial for young businesses but becomes useless once they expand.

    Limited choice of number of add-ons

    Free business numbers only offer local phone numbers. Tools like toll-free, short or vanity numbers are non-accessible.

    Customer experience

    There is a risk that free phone number services may spam your email with a lot of additional feature upgrade offers.


    Not all, but some free business phone number systems can have issues with certain mobile devices or may not be compatible at all.

    Portabilità del numero VoIP

    Il numero di telefono della tua azienda è fondamentale per permettere ai clienti di mettersi in contatto con te. Molti dei tuoi clienti più fedeli potrebbero addirittura conoscerlo a memoria.

    È qui che la portabilità del numero si dimostra uno strumento utile. Ti permette di portare il tuo numero di telefono già stabilito da un vecchio fornitore di servizi VoIP a uno nuovo. Senza bisogno di modificarlo. Pertanto, non dovrai affrontare il difficile processo di aggiornamento di tutti i materiali o dei moduli di contatto, informare tutti i tuoi clienti, ecc.

    Ci sono molti scenari in cui si può avere bisogno di cambiare un provider, quindi anche può avere un uso di porting del numero.

    Ad esempio:

    • Your current VoIP solution is too expensive
    • Your current VoIP system lacks features vital for your business
    • Your business is overgrowing the current VoIP service capabilities
    • Your current VoIP solution is of an insufficient quality (e.g. lacking audio)
    • There is a lack of support from customer service
    • You are experiencing an unfair treatment from the side of your current VoIP provider (e.g. hidden fees)

    Come portare il vecchio numero in un nuovo sistema VoIP?

    Per prima cosa, contatta il tuo nuovo provider VoIP. In seguito, il nuovo e il vecchio provider di servizi VoIP collaborano per effettuare la portabilità del tuo numero di telefono, assicurandosi che tutto il processo vada a buon fine.


    Contatta sempre il tuo attuale gestore telefonico in anticipo e fagli sapere che stai pianificando la portabilità del tuo numero di telefono. A volte gli agenti rifiutano una richiesta di portabilità prima che il processo sia completato, il che può causare ritardi o un’interruzione temporanea.

    Inoltre, aspetta una transizione di successoverso un nuovo fornitore prima di terminare il contratto con quello attuale.

    Check out how VoIP Portability works within CloudTalk.

    Guida passo dopo passo per impostare il numero VoIP con CloudTalk

    Imposta il nostro numero di telefono virtuale richiede solo pochi minuti.

    Ecco come fare:

    First of all, contact us and choose your VoIP subscription plan. Decide which one fits your business needs the best. 

    Poi, passeremo attraverso i seguenti passi:

    #1 Creare un account Cloudtalk

    #2 Installing CloudTalk application

    #3 Activating 14-day free trial 

    #4 Impostazione della gestione delle chiamate

    #5 Numeri in entrata

    #6 Verifica

    #7 Scegliere il numero VoIP

    Una volta che questi passaggi sono stati fatti, puoi iniziare a usare il tuo nuovo sistema VoIP su laptop, tablet o smartphoneright, subito.

    If you feel like you would like to discover CloudTalk in greater depth, you can request a 1-on-1 demo with one of our customer success specialists.


    How to Get a Local Number With VoIP?

    Obtaining a local number for your business helps you connect better with your community, making customers trust you more and increasing the chances of them answering your calls. It also saves customers from paying long-distance charges and allows for smoother, more efficient customer service.

    Here’s how you can request a new local number through CloudTalk:

    1. Access CloudTalk Dashboard.
    2. Choose the country and specify the type of number you need.
    3. CloudTalk’s Numbering Support Team reviews it.
    4. You receive the confirmation via email.

    How to Get a US VoIP Number?

    If you intend to reach out to American customers or potential clients, securing a US VOIP number is highly recommended. This not only lends a professional touch but also boosts credibility, as local numbers are more likely to prompt responses from American clientele.

    Here’s how you can get a US VoIP Number:

    1. Access CloudTalk Dashboard.
    2. Choose the country USA and specify the type of number you need.
    3. CloudTalk’s Numbering Support Team reviews it.
    4. That’s it! You’ll receive the confirmation via email.

    What Is a Fixed VoIP Number?

    A fixed VoIP number is an internet-based phone line tied to a specific physical address. Unlike non-fixed VoIP numbers, fixed ones are linked to a particular location.

    While fixed VoIP numbers are tied to a single address, limiting their flexibility, non-fixed VoIP numbers offer more freedom as they can be used on any compatible device. 

    Additionally, international calls are more expensive with fixed numbers compared to non-fixed ones, which are nearly free. 

    Overall, non-fixed numbers are preferred for growing businesses with multiple locations or planning further expansion.

    How Much Does a VoIP Cost?

    The cost of a VoIP number can vary depending on factors such as features, number of users, phone numbers, hardware, calling destinations, and any hidden fees

    In Cloudtalk, our coverage spans 160 countries, offering numbers starting at just $6.

    Where Can I Get a VoIP Number?

    To get a VoIP number, you can obtain one from various VoIP service providers. 

    So why choose Cloudtalk?

    1. Save Money: CloudTalk is a cost-effective solution, as it has lower costs compared to traditional phone systems, saving on infrastructure and upfront payments.
    2Easy Setup: Quick and hassle-free installation with minimal technical support needed.
    3. Clear Calls: Enjoy high-definition call quality similar to landlines for reliable communication.
    4. Stay Secure: CloudTalk prioritizes your data’s safety with encryption and fraud prevention.
    5. Great Support: Access features that make customer service efficient and satisfying.
    6. Work Anywhere: Make calls from any device, anywhere globally, handling multiple tasks at once.

    If you’d like to learn more, schedule a commitment-free call with our sales team using this link.

    Do VoIP Phones Come With a Phone Number?

    Yes. VoIP phones use the internet to make calls instead of traditional landlines. 

    With VoIP, you get a real phone number that’s not tied to a specific place. This means you can use it to make and receive calls from anywhere, as long as you have a VoIP phone app on your device. 

    You can get a VoIP number from a service provider such as Cloudtalk, transfer your existing number, or pick from different types like local, toll-free, vanity, or international numbers.